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My name is Ellen, I took over as leader of WOWACYC several years ago after much prayer and seeking Gods will.  


I grew up attending Abbots Cross Congregational and learnt at a young age that God sent His only Son into the world that who ever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life.  I trusted in the Lord at a very young age but, in high school I never stood up for Jesus.  In many ways I was a well behaved teenager but I had walked away from all I was taught. I regret that very much now, but by God's grace He hadn't given up on me.


​I attended the youth club most Saturdays and one night I recommited my life to Jesus.  It was amazing, the best decision I have ever made.


I now serve Him as leader in charge of Walking on Water, ACYC. I am doing just that stepping out into the unknown having had no official training in working with teenagers, I am keeping my eyes on Jesus to lead me, just as Peter did when he stepped out of his comfort zone in the boat and walked to Jesus on the water. I am encouraged that even though Peter eventually took His eyes off Jesus and he sunk into the deep Jesus plucked Peter out and placed him safely into the boat and the storm passed. So through hard times I can trust Jesus will rescue me.


In the past years I have been leader, I have seen many young people hear that Jesus loves them for the first time.  Something I heard every week yet in Newtownabbey so many haven't heard that relevation, that God the creator of heaven and earth sent His, Son in love to save us.
I work with a team of 7 dedicated leaders who faithfully give up their saturday nights to serve God in the youth club.  Each leader undergoes child protection clearance.
It has been my prilivage to lead many young teenagers to Christ and salvation. To see them grow and be lead into His service is so encouraging.
By Gods, grace I will continue to serve Him by reaching the youth of Newtownabbey.
We appreciate your prayers in this challenging work.
          Ellen x
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